What to Do About Dry Eyes

What to do about dry eyeIf you experience burning, itchiness or red eyes due to chronic dry eye, you are not alone. Statistics show that dry eye affects more than 100 million people each year. Although it is usually a benign condition, dry eye can be quite bothersome and make everyday life uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are several ways to combat symptoms. Here, New York City eye doctor and dry eye specialist Dr. Gregory Pamel shares ways you can treat dry eye.

1.     Eat an Eye-Friendly Diet

Research shows that foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids help replenish the oils in the eyes, a key component of tears. Cold water fish (e.g., salmon and tuna), walnuts, flaxseed and dark green leafy vegetables are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Not a fan of fish? You can also take omega-3 nutritional supplements, which are available at Dr. Pamel’s office.

2.     Use an Humidifier or Air Filter

Some cases of dry eye are caused by environmental factors. Air conditioning, ceiling fans and heating systems decrease indoor humidity, triggering dry eye symptoms in some people. Humidifiers add more moisture in the air, thus lubricating the eyes and keeping dry eye symptoms at bay. Air filters can also relieve dry eye symptoms by eliminating dust and other irritants in the air.

3.     Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Pamel

The best thing you can do to get relief from dry eyes is to schedule an appointment with a board certified ophthalmologist. Most cases of dry eye can be treated and managed successfully. Dr. Pamel offers several options for dry eye, depending on the symptoms and severity of the patient’s case. During your consultation with Dr. Pamel, the doctor will examine your eyes and evaluate your symptoms. Once the cause is determined, Dr. Pamel will discuss with you the best course of treatment. Possible treatment options include antibiotics or artificial tears that can be used at home. In-office treatments include MiBo Thermoflo, amniotic membrane therapy and BlephEx.

Find Relief from Dry Eye

To learn more about your treatment options, please call our New York City office at (212) 355-2215 or send us an email today.

Posted in: Dry Eye

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