Celebrate Low Vision Awareness Month With A Comprehensive Eye Exam

Comprehensive Eye Exam New York February is Low Vision Awareness Month, when we focus on the issues affecting millions of Americans with permanent, untreatable vision impairment. Low vision impacts older adults the most and often inhibits their ability to read, drive, shop, cook and perform other duties or tasks.

Comprehensive eye exams at Pamel Vision & Laser Group in New York and Astoria can diagnose vision changes early. These appointments may prevent further vision loss, allowing some adults to maintain more eyesight. People who struggle with low vision may qualify for vision rehabilitation services that help them learn how to cope with their vision changes and maintain some independence.

What Is Low Vision? 

Low vision is poor eyesight that impedes everyday activities and can’t be fixed with standard treatments, contact lenses or prescription eyeglasses. People may have difficulty recognizing faces or differentiating colors, which makes it challenging to read or use a computer screen or device.

Eye conditions and diseases typically cause low vision, such as age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), cataracts, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. People with these concerns may lose their central sight, peripheral (side) vision or experience night blindness (extreme difficulty seeing objects in low-lit environments). Older generations are most at risk of low vision because these diseases and conditions tend to affect that demographic. Aging doesn’t cause low vision, but age-related eye diseases are the leading causes of blindness. Eye injuries, genetic disorders and brain trauma may also lead to low vision.

How Eye Exams Help Identify Low Vision Early 

Our eye doctors at Pamel Vision & Laser Group check for signs of low vision as part of a dilated eye exam. These examinations are simple and painless, checking visual acuity by asking you to read letters both far away and near to your face and determining how well you see objects in front of you and to the side for central or peripheral vision loss. Dilated eye drops are used during comprehensive eye exams to widen the pupils and examine the internal ocular structures, such as the retina, for eye problems related to eye disease and low vision.

Unfortunately, low vision is typically permanent and won’t be “cured” with visual aids, medicine or surgery. Diagnosing low vision earlier can prevent eyesight from worsening and help improve everyday life. Treatment options depend on the cause of low vision; cataracts are easily treated with cataract surgery, but glaucoma, ARMD and diabetic retinopathy cause permanent vision changes.

Learning to Live With Low Vision

There are several ways to improve your quality of life and make the most of your remaining vision. People with low vision can continue many activities that bring them joy. Sometimes minor lifestyle modifications, such as brighter lights at home or work, can improve night blindness and other symptoms. Anti-glare sunglasses and magnifying lenses may also help you enjoy reading and other tasks again.

Our eye doctors may discuss vision rehabilitation with a specialist so you can learn new tools to live with vision loss. This therapy may include utilizing a magnifying device and guidance for rearranging furniture in your home to make it easier to access common areas and move through the space. Sharing these resources helps patients and their families cope with the many ways low vision can affect their quality of life.

The organization “Living Well With Low Vision” is dedicated to helping people live fulfilling lives with poor vision. Don’t let low vision rob you of your greatest joys. Many patients are empowered through vision rehabilitation and learn practical ways to enjoy their routine again.

Schedule An Eye Exam at Pamel Vision & Laser Group

Our board-certified ophthalmologist and optometrists can help you cope with low vision and work with you to provide treatments to prevent further vision loss and tools to manage daily life. Schedule a comprehensive eye exam at Pamel Vision & Laser Group in New York and Astoria, New York, by calling (212) 355-2215 or booking an appointment online.

Posted in: Comprehensive Eye Exam

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