LASIK Benefits You May Not Be Aware Of

LASIK Benefits in NYCLASIK is an incredible option for anyone who wants to improve his or her vision and reduce dependence on glasses or contact lenses. Dr. Gregory Pamel’s LASIK patients are often pleasantly surprised by two things: First, how quick and virtually pain-free the procedure is. And secondly, how clear, independent vision unexpectedly improves their lives.

If you are considering laser eye surgery, take a moment to learn more about some of the surprising benefits of achieving clear vision with LASIK.

Get More Out of Daily Activities

When you don’t have to rely on glasses or contact lenses to see clearly, even the most everyday tasks become easier. You can get out of bed at night to soothe a crying child without tripping over furniture, or join a game of pick-up basketball without worrying about breaking your glasses. You can go to the movies and sit anywhere you like in the theater without worrying about seeing the screen.

Speaking of sports and leisure activities, you may even take up a new hobby after LASIK. Perhaps you take those tennis lessons you’ve always wanted, or you join an adult hockey league. Maybe you take up photography or start to work on model airplanes.

Whatever your passion, LASIK gives you the clear sight you need to do the things you love.

Traveling Becomes More Pleasant

Glasses and contacts are a hassle to travel with. But with LASIK, you no longer need to worry about packing travel-sized contact lens solution, or bringing a back-up pair of glasses on the road. You can save room in your suitcase for other items, like souvenirs!

No Safety Concerns About Contacts

Nearly everyone who wears contacts gets lax about care and cleaning at some point. But the consequences of poor contact lens hygiene are very serious — not washing your hands before handling contacts or failing to store them properly can lead to an eye infection.

Valuable Investment

Compare the cost of a one-time LASIK procedure to the repeated costs of purchasing boxes of contact lenses and replacement glasses frames and lenses. Also, consider that having LASIK cuts down on the number of optometrist appointments you will need to regularly check your prescription.

After you have considered the cost comparison, you will find that LASIK pays for itself over time. In the long run, LASIK can save you money and allow you to put those dollars toward other things that enrich your life.

Schedule Your LASIK Consultation Today

If you are considering LASIK surgery to give you freedom from glasses or contacts, Dr. Pamel can answer any questions you might have. Call or email our practice today to speak with him.

Posted in: LASIK

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