Ways to Overcome Presbyopia

Presbyopia treatment in ManhattanPresbyopia is an age-related condition that causes near-vision problems, typically in people over 40. It can make it difficult for people to read fine print or see nearby objects clearly.

Have you noticed that you need to hold books or your phone farther from your eyes? Do you suffer from headaches or eye fatigue after reading? If you answered yes to the above questions, you may be suffering from presbyopia. While presbyopia is a part of aging, it can be overcome. Read on as experienced New York City ophthalmologist Dr. Gregory Pamel discusses ways to overcome presbyopia.


Eyeglasses are one option for helping your aging eyes. The type of eyeglasses that are right for you depends on whether you have other vision issues. If you have no other vision issues, you may be able to use prescription readers for close-up work, like reading. If you have other vision issues, then you may need bifocals, trifocals or progressive lenses to overcome your presbyopia.

Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are another option to help address your presbyopia. Your unique vision needs will determine the type of contact lenses best suited to help you with your presbyopia. Your contact lens options include multifocal and monovision contacts. Contact lenses are a temporary solution to presbyopia.

You have many options for overcoming your presbyopia. If you do not want to deal with the hassle, ongoing costs and aesthetic concerns associated with eyeglasses and contact lenses, you may want to consider one of the surgical options discussed below.

Corneal Inlays

Dr. Pamel offers a wide array of vision correction procedures designed to overcome the effects of presbyopia, including the corneal inlay procedure. A corneal inlay is a thin lens that is implanted into the nondominant eye to focus incoming light and improve close-up vision.


Presbyopia can also be treated with monovision refractive surgery. This procedure corrects one eye to restore near vision and corrects the other eye for distance vision.

Clinical Trial Treatments

The process of treating presbyopia is a rapidly advancing field. New procedures are undergoing clinical trials for FDA approval. To find out if you qualify to participate in a clinical trial, call our office today.

To learn more about your options for overcoming presbyopia, schedule an appointment with Dr. Pamel at his Manhattan or Astoria office by contacting Pamel Vision & Laser Group today.

Posted in: Presbyopia

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