Why Are My Eyes Chronically Dry and Itchy?

Chronic Dry EyeEveryone has experienced dry, itchy eyes on occasion. Allergies to pet hair, pollen or dust are often to blame. But for some patients of Dr. Gregory Pamel, these symptoms are constant and even debilitating. Daily discomfort can start to interfere with vision and compromise a person’s quality of life.

The key to finding relief from chronically dry, itchy eyes is to identify what is causing the symptoms and how to treat the source.

Common Dry Eye Syndrome Causes

Dry eye syndrome is a medical condition that occurs when the eye’s tear system is thrown out of whack. Normally, the surface of the eyes is bathed in a layer of tears that helps keep the eyes properly lubricated and functioning optimally. But if the quality or quantity of the tears decreases, dry eye syndrome can occur.

This can happen because of external elements, such as prolonged exposure to dry air, indoor heaters or air conditioners, overexposure to digital screens, taking antihistamine or birth control medications, or wearing contact lenses that need to be replaced. Sometimes biological causes like blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), aging or systemic diseases like Sjogren’s syndrome are to blame.

In certain cases of dry eye, the eyes produce enough tears, but the composition of the tears is off. The tears might lack the oily layer, produced by the meibomian glands, that prevents the tears from evaporating too quickly off the surface of the eyes. This can occur when the meibomian glands become clogged or blocked or otherwise malfunction.

Relief from Dry, Itchy Eyes

Anyone struggling with constantly dry or itchy eyes should be evaluated by Dr. Pamel so he can identify the root cause of the symptoms. Based on what he finds during dry eye testing, he can personalize a treatment regimen.

If poor tear production is to blame, Dr. Pamel may recommend prescription eye drops to kickstart tear production. Oral or topical antibiotics can help kill bacteria in cases of blepharitis or meibomian gland dysfunction and restore normal tear production. Sometimes tiny punctal plugs are placed in the tear ducts to decrease the drainage of tears. In severe cases of dry eye, amniotic membrane can be grafted to help promote healing.

In the case of meibomian gland dysfunction, an in-office treatment called Mibo ThermoFlo, which combines heat and gentle massage, can help clear obstructed meibomian glands. Another helpful in-office treatment is BlephEx, during which the eyelids and lashes are cleaned and exfoliated to clear up blepharitis and restore the eyes to their healthy baseline.

Contact Dr. Gregory Pamel

No one deserves to suffer the discomfort and pain of chronically dry, itchy eyes. If you are experiencing symptoms, schedule an evaluation with Dr. Pamel today to learn more about dry eye. Call (212) 355-2215 or email Pamel Vision and Laser Group today to book your appointment.

Posted in: Dry Eye

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