Why Winter Is the Worst Time for Dry Eye Symptoms

winter dry eyes New YorkMillions of people suffer from dry eyes, but many are undiagnosed and struggle to manage symptoms on their own. New York winters can be brutal, with frigid temperatures and dry air made worse by indoor heating. It’s common for people with dry eye disease to experience worsening symptoms during the winter months. Pamel Vision & Laser Group in Astoria and New York can help you manage dry eyes and find symptom relief.

Cold Air and Low Humidity Increase Tear Evaporation

Unsurprisingly, freezing temperatures combined with low humidity contribute to dry eye disease; even people with no dry eye concerns for the rest of the year may develop symptoms in the winter. The cold, dry air rushing at your face on your walk to work or your local grocery store causes your tears to evaporate more quickly. What’s worse is going inside to warm up may only increase your dry eye symptoms. The dry heat and indoor allergens, such as animal dander, mold, and dust, create the perfect atmosphere for dry eyes.

Dry Eye Symptoms to Look for During Winter

While some people with dry eye disease have an uptick in their symptoms in the spring and summer due to allergens in the air, most report wintertime as their worst season.

Symptoms of dry eye disease include:

  • Eye redness
  • Eye irritation
  • Itchy eyes
  • Grittiness or feeling something is stuck in the eye
  • Burning or stinging eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Sleep disruptions
  • Tired eyes after extended screen use
  • Blurry vision
  • Eye pain

You may have a few of these symptoms year-round, with increased discomfort when the temperature and humidity plummet.

Tips for Dry Eye Relief

Lifestyle changes may help you improve dry eyes in the winter; examples include drinking more water, using an indoor humidifier, and turning down the heat. Eat a balanced diet rich in oils to help improve the quality of your tear film.

Position away from your face vents, fans, and other devices that blow air, including ceiling fans. You can protect your eyes from the wind, cold air, and environmental irritants by wearing wraparound sunglasses. Vacuuming and dusting your home can help reduce indoor allergens and associated dry eye symptoms.

One of the most significant contributors to dry eyes is screen use because you blink less when focused on a computer or detailed tasks like reading. Digital eye strain can improve with frequent breaks using the 20/20/20 system: Look 20 feet away every 20 minutes for at least 20 seconds.

Treatment for Dry Eyes

Dry eye treatment depends on the cause and severity of your symptoms. Improving eyelid hygiene by cleansing the eyelids to remove makeup and debris may help improve the tear film. Cleaning the eyelids and using warm compresses at night can help clear clogged oil from the meibomian glands lining your eyelids. (Meibomian gland dysfunction is the most common cause of dry eye disease.) Dr. Pamel will evaluate your eye health and tear quality and quantity, then recommend a course of treatment to give you long-lasting dry eye relief.

If you struggle with dry eyes in the winter, contact Pamel Vision & Laser Group in Astoria and New York, New York, at (202) 355-2215.

Posted in: Dry Eye

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