What Happens at a LASIK Consultation?

The goal of your LASIK consultation is for Dr. Gregory Pamel and our team to gather information about the health of your eyes and your visual needs, and evaluate your candidacy for LASIK surgery. If we believe you are a good candidate for LASIK and you decide to move forward with the procedure, you will also be given information at your consultation to help you prepare for surgery.

You should plan to be at our office for about two to two-and-a-half hours. No part of the exam or testing should be painful, and although your pupils will be dilated, you will be able to safely drive yourself home from the appointment. Please bring your glasses, contact lenses and a list of questions you have about LASIK to your appointment.

Here’s what you can expect to happen during your visit:

Thorough Eye Exam and Testing

Dr. Pamel and our team must complete a thorough assessment of the health of your eyes and your refractive error. We will also review your medical history and record of any previous eye surgeries, and ask you questions about your history wearing glasses or contact lenses.

Your eyes will be thoroughly checked for any health problems that could affect your candidacy for LASIK, including allergies, dry eyes, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease and infections like pink eye. Microscopes and other diagnostic equipment will be used to get a complete look at every structure and aspect of your eyes, including your cornea, lens, retina and optic nerve. Special eye drops will dilate your pupils so our team can look at the internal structures of your eyes. High-powered imaging tools will be used to capture detailed images of the inside of your eyes.

We will also want to check your current eyeglass or contact prescription and get an idea of your eye’s focusing ability through certain tests. We want to ensure that your prescription is stable and has not changed during the past year.

Recommendations for the Appropriate Vision Correction Treatment

After collecting all of the information needed to gain a complete understanding of your eye health and refractive error, Dr. Pamel will make recommendations for vision correction. He may advise that LASIK is a great option for you, and you can move forward with scheduling surgery. Or, he may tell you that you are not an ideal candidate for LASIK and recommend an alternative method of vision correction (e.g., PRK or LASEK) to help you reduce dependence on glasses or contacts.

If you qualify for LASIK, you will meet with a member of our team to discuss scheduling, cost, financing and other related matters. You will also have an opportunity to ask Dr. Pamel and our team any questions you have about LASIK.

Book a LASIK Consultation

To book a LASIK consultation at the Pamel Vision & Laser Group, please call (212) 355-2215 or email us today.

Posted in: LASIK

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